About Us
About Us

Boots To The Boardroom
Boots To The Boardroom
Succinctly put, we attack from within. While others in our business approach efficiency improvement & turnaround with a top down view, we are in the trenches. With tacit knowledge honed over a lifetime specific to your business our involvement begins with a deep technical understanding of your product and the customer it serves. With an unyielding eye towards employee preservation and results driven change in impaired balance sheet organizations we enable progress and performance improvement when your business is otherwise poorly positioned as a going concern. We know how to create, transport, construct, and speak as craftsman because we ARE craftsman. Whether your business requires strategic guidance or selective capital investment we are here to help.
Why Choose Us
Why Choose Us
Flexible Relationships Based on YOUR Desired Outcome
Not all consulting engagements are the same..... This may seem nonsensical, common place logic, or but we'll bet if you engage a turnaround / business consulting firm the contract and fee schedule will be all too familiar. Despite the difference between your Industrial sector firm and lets say, a healthcare facility the personnel deployed, contractual relationship, and fees will all be the same. Does this seem logical? We don't think so, and neither do you. We will customize the level of involvement and invoicing scenario that is most likely to generate the desired outcome.